Awards and Honors
Awards 2022:

Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Awards of Financial Reporting Achievement. Delta Diablo is proud to receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 (FY22/23) and the Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation for FY22/23 from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Program (Budget Award Program) is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. To receive the budget award, the District had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well the District’s budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device. The District’s budget was examined by a panel of independent reviewers and rated “proficient” in all four categories, and in the 14 mandatory criteria within those categories. This marks the third time the District has participated in the Budget Award Program, represents a significant achievement for the District, and is a direct result of dedicated staff efforts. The GFOA is a non-profit association serving more than 20,000 government finance officials throughout the United States and Canada. It is estimated that approximately 2% and 0.5% of special districts received these recognitions at the state and national level, respectively.
Awards 2019:
2019 Utility of the Future Today Award – National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA)
Delta Diablo has again been recognized for outstanding industry leadership and a progressive commitment to innovation and advancing resource efficiency and recovery with the prestigious "Utility of the Future Today" national industry association award received at the 2019 Water Environment Federation (WEF) annual conference along with 42 other honorees from across the country. This utility recognition program, initiated in 2016 by NACWA, WEF, the Water Research Foundation (WRF), and the WateReuse Association recognizes the achievements of innovative water utilities that provide resilient, value-added, community services with a focus on community engagement, watershed stewardship, and recovery of resources such as water, energy, and nutrients. This is the second consecutive year the District has received this prestigious award.
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Awards of Financial Reporting Achievement. Delta Diablo is proud to receive the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada award for Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and recognize the Finance Division and the Business Services Director for receiving GFOA Awards of Financial Reporting Achievement (AFRAs) covering the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award, the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government agency must publish an easily readable and efficiently-organized CAFR. This report must satisfy both generally-accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and applicable legal requirements. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel as meeting the high program standards, which include a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate an agency’s financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR.
In addition, AFRAs are presented to individuals designated by the agency as primarily responsible for its having earned the certificate. Under the leadership of the Business Services Director, the District’s Finance Division worked to compile the award-winning CAFR and ensured that the report fully complied with rigorous GFOA standards. The District has achieved 15 consecutive “clean” financial audits, which is a tribute to Finance Division staff efforts. Receiving the Certificate of Achievement and associated AFRAs can only be accomplished upon completion of a CAFR, which is a more accurate and meaningful report on the District’s financial condition than the basic financial statements typically completed. It is estimated that 1.4% of California Special Districts and approximately 0.8% of Special Districts on a national level received this prestigious recognition in 2017.

2019 Communicator of the Year – California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO). Delta Diablo’s Public Information Manager Angela Lowrey was named as the state’s Communicator of the Year for 2019. This award recognizes her dedication to clean water education and resource recovery outreach, her overall expertise in the communications field and for her award-winning creativity in her work. The Communicator of the Year award is presented to the individual who, in the judgment of the CAPIO Awards Committee and Board of Directors, demonstrates exceptional abilities, skills and talents in leading their organization to greater and more successful communications and public engagement.
Awards 2018:
2017 Utility of the Future Today – National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). Delta Diablo received recognition as a “Utility of the Future Today” honoree at the 2018 Water Environment Federation (WEF) annual national conference along with 31 other water utility leaders from across the country. This utility recognition program was initiated in 2016 by NACWA, WEF, the Water Research Foundation (WRF), and the WateReuse Association to recognize “clean water utility leaders that pioneer technologies and cutting-edge practices with a focus on resource recovery, efficiency, and sustainability.” This award recognizes Delta Diablo’s exemplary regulatory compliance, water recycling, energy management, biosolids reuse, household hazardous waste, community engagement, and industry leadership achievements.
2017 Platinum Peak Performance Award 14 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of fourteen consecutive calendar years.
2018 Public Outreach and Education Award - California Association of Sanitation Agencies. Recognizes efforts by a California wastewater agency for development and implementation of programs intended to impact or educate a segment(s) of the local community. This award recognizes on-going or special programs, including education in schools, general public awareness, or select target audiences. Delta Diablo was proud to receive the award for their work reflecting their business-education alliance with Deer Valley High School senior class PSA promoting resource recovery and the Delta Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.
California Water Environment Association "Newsletter of the Year" (Second Place). This state-level award honors exceptional California wastewater resource recovery facilities and agencies who are using newsletters as a way to promote awareness and understanding of water quality issues.
Awards 2017:
2016 Platinum Peak Performance Award 13 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of thirteen consecutive calendar years.

California Water Environment Association (CWEA) “2016 Plant of the Year (Medium)”. This state-level award honors exceptional California wastewater resource recovery facilities and agencies. The rating criteria are very broad based, covering every aspect of our operations. They include an agency’s compliance record, biosolids processing, fiscal management, pretreatment program, safety program, professional development, energy conservation, resource recovery, public information, inventory control, innovation, computer and supervisory control, and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and maintenance systems. Established in 1929, CWEA’s awards program has grown to acknowledge outstanding achievement in more than twenty (20) categories honoring exceptional California wastewater professionals, collection systems, and treatment plants. The program seeks to recognize outstanding achievements within the water environment field, improve the professional status of all personnel working in the field, and stimulate public awareness of the importance of public health and the water environment.

GEELA 2017. Delta Diablo has received the prestigious 2016 Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA). GEELA is California's highest environmental honor, administered by the California Environmental Protection Agency. The program recognizes individuals, organizations, and businesses who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made notable, voluntary contributions in conserving California's precious resources, protecting and enhancing our environment, building public-private partnerships, and strengthening the state's economy. This award recognizes Delta Diablo for our commitment and achievements in sustainability. Each year GEELA recipients are chosen from five (5) categories, and Delta Diablo was recognized under the “Sustainable Practices, Communities or Facilities” category.
California Water Environment Association (CWEA) 2016 Community Engagement & Outreach Person of the Year Award. Established in 1929, the CWEA's awards program has grown to acknowledge outstanding achievement and honoring exceptional California wastewater professionals, collection systems, and treatment plants. The program seeks to recognize outstanding achievements within the water environment field, improve the professional status of all personnel working in the field, and stimulate public awareness of the importance of public health and the water environment. This Award recognizes Angela Lowrey, Public Information Manager, for making significant personal contributions to the water environment industry through engagement with our agency’s diverse range of stakeholders at the local, state, and national levels.
California Water Environment Association (CWEA) 2017 Film Festival Award first prize in the Public Education (Amateur) category. Every three years, CWEA hosts a film festival as part of its annual awards program. Films are based on information and issues related to the field of wastewater in California. There are two categories: (a) “public education” to inform the public or change public behaviors or attitudes; and, (b) “training” produced to train in-house personnel. All submittals are grouped for review under one of three classifications on the film producer’s level of expertise: amateur, semi-professional and professional. On April 28, 2017, the District was presented with first place in the CWEA 2017 Film Festival Award in the Public Education (Amateur) category for our work with 2015-2016 Antioch High School Media Tech Linked Learning Academy for their 11th Grade end-of-year project.
Awards 2016:
2016 CWEA (SF Bay Section) Plant of the Year (Medium) - This award honors exceptional California wastewater resource recovery facilities and agencies. The rating criteria are very broad based, covering every aspect of our operations. They include an agency’s compliance record, biosolids processing, fiscal management, pretreatment program, safety program, professional development, energy conservation, resource recovery, inventory control, innovation, computer and SCADA systems, maintenance systems, and much more. Congratulations are due to everyone for the day in day out efforts that placed Delta Diablo in a position to compete for and win the award.
2016 CWEA (SF Bay Section) Community Engagement & Outreach Person of the Year – Congratulations to Angela Lowrey, our Public Information Manager, for this well-deserved award. Angela is a tireless advocate for our agency and always ensures that our team and individual staff members are recognized for any unique or outstanding accomplishments. Therefore, it is especially gratifying that Angela was publicly recognized for her public outreach and education efforts and dedication to her profession.
2015 Platinum Peak Performance Award 12 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of twelve consecutive calendar years.
A member of the Delta Diablo Laboratory team, Bill Svoboda, Chemist II, has been recognized as 2015 Laboratory Person of the Year for outstanding achievements in wastewater services in the San Francisco Bay Area by the California Water Environment Association (CWEA). Bill performs chemical and microbiological analyses in the District’s laboratory. Working closely with our Operations staff, Bill is directly involved with collecting and analyzing samples from various locations throughout the treatment process and our recycled water facility. The analysis he performs ensures the plant is operating efficiently, and the processed effluent, which goes back into our local waterways, is neither hazardous nor toxic and is fully compliant with all state and local regulatory guidelines, as well as having no negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems.
2016 East Bay Innovation Award – East Bay Economic Development. Delta Diablo was selected as the 2016 East Bay Innovation Award Catalyst from the East Bay Economic Development Alliance. Presented at the Fox Theater in Oakland on February 25, 2016, in front of an audience of hundreds from business, government, and the non-profit sectors, the event was a result of months-long competition for the best use of innovation across eight industry sectors. Over 100 nominations for the eight categories were submitted. This Catalyst award recognizes Delta Diablo for “transcending organizational boundaries to pull East Bay assets together in new ways and/or catalyze new thinking or processes”.
Awards 2015:
2014 Platinum Peak Performance Award 11 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of eleven consecutive calendar years.
2015 Award of Merit for Community Engagement/Special Events - California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO). This award recognizes the District for the organization and execution of the 2014 “Jean-Michel Cousteau Environmental Program” where 1,200 high school students from three school districts in the District’s service area were able to hear from the internationally-recognized environmentalist, explorer, educator, and film producer, Mr. Jean-Michel Cousteau. The engaging presentation by Mr. Cousteau reflects his mission to explore the global oceans, inspiring and educating people throughout the world to act responsibly for its protection, documenting the critical connection between humanity and nature, and celebrating the ocean's vital importance to the survival of all life on our planet. CAPIO is an organization serving professionals throughout the public sector who engage communities through honest and transparent communication.
2014 Engineering Achievement Award - California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Section Honorable Mention). This award seeks to recognize organizations and/or projects that demonstrate improvement in health and safety, problem prevention and solution, environmental benefit, cost effectiveness, conservation of resources, and reliability and efficiency. Delta Diablo was proud to receive the Honorable Mention Award for the Antioch Force Main Rehabilitation Project in February 2015. The full evaluation and rehabilitation of the Antioch conveyance system extends the service life of the existing mains to prevent future structural failures, leading to cleaner and healthier neighborhoods along the force main alignments.
2014 Public Outreach Education Award (Small Agency) - California Association of Sanitation Agencies. Recognizes efforts by a California wastewater agency for development and implementation of programs intended to impact or educate a segment(s) of the local community. This award recognizes on-going or special programs, including education in schools, general public awareness, or select target audiences. Delta Diablo was proud to receive the award for the "Jean-Michael Cousteau's Global Water Education for Youth" program held in East Contra Costa in February 2014.
California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Section) - 2014 Public Education Program of the Year Award. CWEA awards are designed to honor exceptional members and California wastewater professionals, facilities, and agencies. The program seeks to recognize outstanding achievements within the wastewater field, improve the professional status of all personnel working in the wastewater industry and related fields, and stimulate public awareness of the importance of wastewater treatment to public health and the water environment. Delta Diablo was recognized for the "Jean-Michael Cousteau Environmental Program" which was hosted in East Contra Costa County in February 2014.
Awards 2014:
2013 Platinum Peak Performance Award 10 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of ten consecutive calendar years.
George W. Burke, Jr. Award – During the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Awards event on May 2, 2014, Delta Diablo was awarded the George W. Burke Jr. Facility Safety Award sponsored by the Water Environmental Federation (WEF). This award recognizes the combined efforts of all District employees for the excellence of our active and effective safety program and safety record. Delta Diablo’s Safety Officer, Steve Laren (center), was on hand to receive the award presented by Christoph Dobson, CWEA President, and Rick Warner, WEF Delegate. Receipt of this award is evidence of the District's sustained focus on a safe and productive workforce as we approach four years without a loss time accident.
Delta Diablo has been honored as Antioch’s 2013 Large Business of the Year by the Antioch Chamber of Commerce. The award recognizes a business who is adding value to the social and economic wellbeing of Antioch, is inscribed “In recognition for your many contributions to the City and our Citizens. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts in enhancing the quality of life in Antioch.” This award directly speaks to the commitment and dedication of Delta Diablo staff to our customers, environment and the community.
A member of the Delta Diablo Laboratory team, Jason Wong, Chemist II, has also been recognized as 2013 Laboratory Person of the Year for outstanding achievements in wastewater services in the San Francisco Bay Area by the California Water Environment Association (CWEA). Jason is responsible for analytical methods performed by the District laboratory and microbiological testing which directly relates to how wastewater agencies help keep local waterways clean. Working closely with operations staff, Jason plays a key role in daily wastewater treatment as he is directly involved with collecting and analyzing samples from the treatment process which ensures the processed discharge which goes back into local waterways is fully compliant with all state and local regulatory guidelines and has no negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems.
Amanda Roa, Environmental Services Engineer, has been chosen as the recipient of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies’ 2013 Arleen Navarret Leadership Award. This prestigious award is presented biennially to a clean water professional who exhibits leadership in the workplace and wastewater community; commitment to environmental protection; technical knowledge in fields related to water quality protection; mentorship of others; and, exemplary public service. At Delta Diablo, Amanda is involved primarily in environmental regulations (water, air, hazardous waste), while also managing the regional household hazardous waste program. A graduate from the University of California at Berkeley, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Amanda is a tireless pollution prevention advocate whose passion for protecting public health and the environment have positively impacted our region and the resource recovery industry.
2013 State Safety Plant of the Year (Medium) – California Water Environment Association (Statewide Winner). This award recognizes California wastewater agencies for the sustained success of their safety programs compared to similar agencies throughout the state. The purpose of the award is to encourage and reward effective safety programs and to highlight new ideas that further or enhance a culture of safety. At the time of this award, Delta Diablo had completed four consecutive years without a lost time work accident. The development of our new Injury and Illness Prevention Program along with our improved safety self-inspection process and training documentation were the key elements that lead to our selection for this coveted award.
2013 Safety Plant of the Year (Medium) – California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Section Winner). This award recognizes safety records for wastewater agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area with criteria which includes reporting work-related injuries and illnesses. The application focuses on OSHA compliance as minimum requirements and then seeks to distinguish the winners for their innovative or creative ways to build a culture of safe work practices at all levels throughout the organization. Established in 1929, CWEA awards honor outstanding achievements within the water environment field, improve the professional status of all personnel working in the field, and stimulate public awareness of the importance of wastewater treatment to public health and the water environment.
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award – In November 2013, the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Delta Diablo for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. This was the first year that the District has achieved this award. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and applicable legal requirements. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. The GFOA is a non-profit association serving approximately 17,500 government finance professionals in the United States and Canada. It is estimated that only 4% of total California Special Districts and about 1% of total Special Districts nationwide have received this prestigious award in 2012.
Award of Financial Reporting Achievement (AFRA) – The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) subsequently awarded Theresa U. Harris, Finance Manager of Delta Diablo, in recognition for her role as the individual primarily responsible for preparing the District’s award-winning CAFR.
Awards 2013:
2012 Platinum Peak Performance Award 9 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of nine consecutive calendar years.
As lead agency for the Western Recycled Water Coalition, Delta Diablo accepted the San Francisco Estuary Partnership Outstanding Environmental Project CCMP Award. Recognizing outstanding environmental projects that benefit the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary and its watersheds, the award focused on the Western Recycled Water Coalition’s achievements in securing $34.7M in federal funding to build 8 projects, and securing an additional $3.4M to plan new recycled water projects. The WRWC currently includes 25 projects that will develop 120,000 acre-feet of reliable, local water supplies for agriculture, industry, wetlands, and urban landscape. These projects provide multiple benefits, helping to preserve overdrawn river and groundwater supplies, and protecting the sensitive Bay-Delta. They will help to develop a sustainable water supply solution across the watershed while directly supporting a healthy and resilient San Francisco Estuary. More information can be found at
Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce’s Special Recognition Award was received in July 2013. This award recognizes the District’s commitment to Pittsburg through our wastewater resource recovery services and ongoing involvement in the Pittsburg community programs. It also recognizes the CWEA Mid-Size Treatment Plant of the Year for 2012 and NACWA Platinum 8 Peak Performance Award which highlights the success of our operations and positively promotes Pittsburg.
2013 Human Resources Agency Award for Excellence (small) - Western Region of the International Public Management Association – Human Resources (WRIPMA-HR). This award was received in May 2013. The Agency Award for Excellence is designed to recognize the overall quality, accomplishments, and contributions of an agency human resources program that exceeds the normal operation of a good government human resources program. The District was recognized for its forward-thinking and trailblazing efforts to address the District's unfunded liability for other post-employment benefits (OPEB) and pension reform in a fair and equitable manner for both employees and ratepayers.
Awards 2012:
2011 Platinum Peak Performance Award 8 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies - Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of eight years.
2012 Treatment Plant of the Year (Medium) – California Water Environment Association. This award is designed to honor exceptional California wastewater resource recovery facilities and agencies. The award seeks to recognize outstanding achievements within the wastewater field, improve the professional status of all personnel working in the wastewater industry and related fields and stimulate public awareness of the importance of wastewater treatment to public health and the water environment. The District won the Treatment Plant of the Year (Medium) award at the local level (San Francisco Bay Section) before advancing to and winning the award at the State level.
2012 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement - National Purchasing Institute. This Award recognizes excellence in innovation, professionalism, e-procurement, productivity, and leadership attributes of procurement departments. This is the third consecutive year Delta Diablo has received this award. Only 40 government agencies in California received the Award in 2012. It is considered one of the most coveted and significant awards that can be attained by a public procurement operation nationally.
2012 Occupational Excellence Achievement Award – National Safety Council This award honors companies that have reported injuries or illnesses equal to or less than 50% of the average incidence for their industry and had no fatalities during the calendar year, in accordance with OSHA record keeping requirements.
Awards 2011:
2010 Platinum Peak Performance Award 7 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of seven years.
2011 Agency Award for Excellence for Innovation in Human Resources - Received from the National California Chapter of International Public Management Association - HR.
2011 Laboratory Person of the Year - Mary Anne Johnson. These two awards from the California Waster Environment Association and Water Environment Federation recognizes an individual's involvement with projects that have advanced the science of laboratory technology.
Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CalPELRA) 2011 Honorable Mention Award - CalPELRA is a professional, nonprofit California association established in 1975, comprised of public sector management representatives responsible for carrying out the labor relations/human resource programs for their jurisdictions.
Awards 2010:
2010 Supervisor of the Year (State) – Joaquin Gonzalez. This award from the California Water Environment Association recognizes an individual who shows exemplary supervisory skills while performing their daily work.
2010 Gimmicks & Gadgets – Leonard Pompa. California Water Environment Association
2010 Operator of the Year – Juan Arevalo. This award from the California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Area) recognizes an individual with outstanding performance in the field of wastewater plant operations.
2010 Supervisor of the Year – Joaquin Gonzalez. This award from the California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Area) recognizes an individual who shows exemplary supervisory skills while performing their daily work.
Awards 2009:
2009 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement - National Purchasing Institute. This Award recognizes excellence in innovation, professionalism, e-procurement, productivity, and leadership attributes of procurement departments. Delta Diablo is one of only 38 government agencies in California to receive this Award. It is considered one of the most coveted and significant awards that can be attained by a public procurement operation nationally.
2009 Platinum Peak Performance Award 6 - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. Achieved by only 2% of wastewater treatment operations nation-wide, this award acknowledges public wastewater treatment facilities for 100% operating compliance with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit over a consecutive period of six years.
2009 State Safety Plant of the Year (Medium) – California Water Environment Association. This award recognizes California wastewater agencies for the sustained success of their safety programs compared to similar agencies throughout the state. The purpose of the award is to encourage and reward effective safety programs and to highlight new ideas that further or enhance a culture of safety. At the time of this award, Delta Diablo had completed four consecutive years without a lost time work accident. The development of our new Injury and Illness Prevention Program along with our improved safety self-inspection process and training documentation were the key elements that lead to our selection for this coveted award.
2009 Safety Plant of the Year (Medium) – California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Section). This award recognizes safety records for wastewater agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area with criteria which includes reporting work-related injuries and illnesses. The application focuses on OSHA compliance as minimum requirements and then seeks to distinguish the winners for their innovative or creative ways to build a culture of safe work practices at all levels throughout the organization.
2009 George W. Burke Jr. Award - Water Environment Federation. This award encourages active and effective safety programs in municipal and industrial wastewater agencies across the USA. The primary criteria for this award are documented and illustrated safety programs and safety records for the preceding calendar year.
2009 Instrumentation Technician of the Year - Jess Hague. This award from the California Water Environment Association (San Francisco Bay Area) recognizes Jess’ outstanding understanding of electrical instrumentation technology relating to wastewater collection and/or treatment. His work modifying chlorination systems resulted in a decrease in chemical use at the Facility saving $120,000 per year.
Awards 2008-1985:
2008 - 'PLATINUM' PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - National Association of Clean Water Agencies. This award recognizes 100% compliance of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limits over a consecutive five year period
2008 - PLANT OF THE YEAR (Medium-Size Facility) - California Water Environment Association
2008 - PLANT OF THE YEAR - San Francisco Bay Section of the California Water Environment Association
2008 - LOSS CONTROL PROGRAM OF THE YEAR – California Sanitation Risk Management Authority
2008 - COLLECTION SYSTEM PERSON OF THE YEAR - ROBERT WRIGHT - California Water Environment Association
2008 - COLLECTION SYSTEM PERSON OF THE YEAR - ROBERT WRIGHT - San Francisco Bay Section of the California Water Environment Association
2008 - PUBLIC EDUCATION PERSON OF THE YEAR - LINDA BREWER - San Francisco Bay Section of the California Water Environment Association
2008 - ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION AWARD - WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR TRAINING PARTNERSHIP (with other Contra Costa and Alameda County agencies) - California Association of Sanitation Agencies
2008 - "ADDY AWARD" FOR CREATIVE EXCELLENCE - PUBLIC SERVICE CAMPAIGN - "FOG MONSTER" ADVERTISING MATERIAL (designed by Astone) - Central California Advertising Federation
2008 - BEST EDUCATIONAL/AMATEUR VIDEO "WASTEWATER WORLD" (Chris Wiggins and Trevor Marsh) - California Water Environment Association Film Festival
2007 - "GOLD" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - National Association of Clean Water Agencies
2007 - SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR - DARRELL CAIN - San Francisco Bay Section of the California Water Environment Association
2006 - LABORATORY PERSON OF THE YEAR - MARY ANNE JOHNSON - California Water Environment Association
2006 - LABORATORY PERSON OF THE YEAR - MARY ANNE JOHNSON - San Francisco Bay Section of the California Water Environment Association
2006 - BEST NEW U-WASTE COLLECTION PROGRAM - California Environmental Protection Agency
2006 - "GOLD" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - National Association of Clean Water Agencies
2005 - "GOLD" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - National Association of Clean Water Agencies
2005 - MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIST OF THE YEAR - SHAWN REDMOND - California Water Environment Association
2005 - GOLDEN PICK (Professionalism, Integrity, Contribution, Knowledge) - LINDA BREWER - California Water Environment Association
2005 - PLANT OF THE YEAR - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2005 - LABORATORY PERSON OF THE YEAR - GURMUKH GREWAL - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2005 - MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGIST OF THE YEAR - SHAWN REDMOND - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2004 - "GOLD" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - National Association of Clean Water Agencies (formerly Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies)
2004 - SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR - DENNIS LANIOHAN - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2004 - OPERATOR OF THE YEAR - JOAQUIN GONZALEZ - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2004 - GREEN BUSINESS CERTIFICATION - Bay Area Green Business Program
2003 - "SILVER" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
2003 - SELECT SOCIETY OF SANITARY SLUDGE SHOVELERS - SANDEEP KARKAL - California Water Environment Association
2002 - "GOLD" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
2001 - LABORATORY PERSON OF THE YEAR - MARYANNE JOHNSON - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Environment Association
2001 - PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD (Recycled Water Facility) - California Association of Sanitation Agencies
2001 - RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY AWARD (Recycled Water Facility) - Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
2000 - LOWEST CLAIMS FREQUENCY RATE AWARD (LARGE PLANT) - California Sanitation Risk Management Authority
1999 - LOWEST CLAIMS FREQUENCY RATE AWARD (LARGE PLANT) - California Sanitation Risk Management Authority
1997 - "SILVER" PEAK PERFORMANCE AWARD - Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
1993 - WILLIAM D. HATFIELD AWARD - BILL MC DONALD - Water Environment Federation
1993 - SELECT SOCIETY OF SANITARY SLUDGE SHOVELERS - BILL MC DONALD - California Water Pollution Control Association
1991 - PLANT OF THE YEAR - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Pollution Control Association
1991 - STATE PLANT OF THE YEAR - California Water Pollution Control Association
1989 - EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - Region 9 United States Environmental Protection Agency
1989 - COLLECTION SYSTEM OF THE YEAR - California Water Pollution Control Association
1988 - NATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - United States Environmental Protection Agency
1988 - EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - Region 9 United States Environmental Protection Agency
1986 - EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - Region 9 United States Environmental Protection Agency
1986 - EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - California Regional Water Quality Control Board
1984 - PLANT OF THE YEAR - San Francisco Bay Section of California Water Pollution Control Association