About Us
Delta Diablo (District) provides wastewater conveyance and treatment services for approximately 218,000 customers in the cities of Antioch and Pittsburg, and the unincorporated community of Bay Point. As part of our core mission to protect public health and the environment, the District treats approximately 13 million gallons of wastewater each day with a focus on exemplary regulatory compliance, innovative and sustainable approaches, and sound stewardship of the public’s resources and trust.

The District has transformed its Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), located in Antioch along the Pittsburg-Antioch Highway, into a “resource recovery facility” by producing approximately 6 million gallons of recycled water each day, generating on-site renewable energy to meet over 55 percent of WWTP power needs, reusing biosolids (stabilized residual solids from wastewater treatment process) as fertilizer via land application, providing regional household hazardous waste collection services, and further protecting the Delta by providing street sweeping services to remove pollutants that would otherwise enter local stormwater systems.
The District’s largest asset is its dedicated staff—including operations, maintenance, engineering, business services, laboratory, and administrative staff—who work to ensure effective and reliable provision of wastewater conveyance and treatment services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The District’s key infrastructure elements include the following:
- 43 miles of gravity sewer lines in the Bay Point wastewater collection system (the cities own, operate and maintain the collection systems in Antioch [130 miles] and Pittsburg [300 miles], which discharge into the District’s wastewater conveyance system)
- 18.5 miles of pressurized sewer force mains and 14 miles of gravity sewer interceptors
- 5 pump stations with 4 million gallons of flow equalization storage facilities
- Wastewater Treatment Plant with 16 million gallons of on-site storage basin volume
- Recycled Water Facility (RWF)
- 16 miles of recycled water distribution pipelines

The District's core services include: